viernes, 2 de mayo de 2014

The new systems of import and export wines - Ecological Wine

There is no trick , the answer is very simple and easy. The way to cut costs is to cut intermediaries.
It isn´t possible that the winemakers earn less for the price of a liter and end consumers pay more . It is impossible , something is not going well . We all know that this happens and are taking action. Given this situation to do a direct trade, wineries should strive to be more representative , make way for new technologies and young talent that are revolutionizing the world of sales . Here in London that is the trend and are moving to worldwide.
 I see how young entrepreneurs organize small meetings to exchange information , to know and to be aware of how they changed the habits and the way we do . People from all over the world, each bringing what they know. Ecological Cultivation as present and future , fair trade, expertise, passion for the job.

We need people who love their profession.

Juan Luis Barrera Portillo
Canary Wharf - London

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